

Momoland’s Daisy says the ‘Finding Momoland’ was rigged

Momoland’s Daisy says the ‘Finding Momoland’ was rigged

  • 기자명 이서린 기자
  • 입력 2020.01.09 17:46
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그룹 모모랜드의 전 멤버 데이지(오른쪽)와 그의 어머니(왼쪽)가 KBS1 ‘뉴스9’에 출연했다.
Momoland's former member Daisy (right) and her mother (left) on KBS's 'NEWS9'


[STNSPORTS=Christina Seorin Lee EDITOR]

Daisy, former member of Momoland argued that the Mnet survival show Finding Momoland’ was rigged. 

Body: Daisy and her mother had an interview for KBS's 'NEWS9' on January 7th. 

She claimed that she was nominated as the member of Momoland from the beginning of ‘Finding Momoland’, even though she might not get accepted during the program.

“After the last episode of the program, MLD entertainment staff told me not to get upset because they have prepared future plans,” she said. 

Daisy has also alleged the entertainment made the members to pay for the show’s production costs. 

MLD Entertainment has disputed that “Finding Momoland' was not a regular audition program featuring regular trainees, but a survival program aiming to debut 10 trainees from our agency. In order to debut, the trainees had to gather 3000 audience members, but they were unable to fulfill the conditions and their debut plans fell through.” “As for Daisy's inclusion, we terminated the contracts of eliminated trainees after the program was over, but the CEO of the label saw Daisy's potential and recommended her stay as an agency trainee,” they said. In fact, Daisy joined Momoland from the digital single “Wonderful Love” in 2017. 

They have also explained about the production costs of the show by saying the payment was “based on the standard exclusive contract from the Fair Trade Commission and was agreed on by the members and their parents. Daisy agreed to this part of the contract as well when she was included in the lineup.”

Furthermore, MLD Entertainment has argued that Daisy’s mother has been threatening them since last year. “Starting from last year, Daisy's mother threatened the label multiple times. It appears she's taken further malicious action because we didn't respond to those threats,” they said.

photo=Captured From KBS1 'NEWS9'



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